PUMC Event Photos
The Travels of "Flat Jesus"
At the beginning of the summer, Pastor Sherry featured “Flat Jesus” in a children’s sermon and encouraged everyone to take Jesus with them as they traveled or went on adventures over the summer. Here are some of the places Flat Jesus went!
Youth Mission Trip 2024
Thank you to all of our missioners and chaperones for your hard work on our 2024 Summer Mission Trip to Jefferson, OH on JUly 21 to July 27.
Vacation Bible School
THANK YOU to everyone who made our Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School experience one we will never forget! VBS took place on Sunday, July 7 through Thursday, July 11. It was a fun and meaningful week!
Pet Blessing
The pet blessing on Sunday, June 30 was a wonderful event and it was great to see so many beloved animals! Thank you to everyone (and their furry friends) who joined in the event!