PUMC Event Photos
Youth Caroling
Thank you to everyone who donated to the carolers in support of their Summer 2025 Mission Trip!
Advent Festival
Thank you to everyone who attended our Advent Festival on Sunday, December 22 during Coffee Hour! What fun morning of games, treats, fun, and fellowship!
Fall Sunday School
Check out some of the fun we have been having in Sunday School this Fall!
Youth Retreat
On November 8 to 10, junior and senior high youth spent the Youth Fall Retreat Weekend at Dickson Valley Retreat Center in Newark, IL. The youth had a terrific time! Thank you to our six chaperones, additional drivers, and Pastor Mary Zajac for a wonderful experience.
Fall Fest
A HUGE thank you to everyone who attended our Fall Fest and Chili Cook-off Sunday, October 20! We had an awesome time of fellowship together. The winner of the Chili Cook-off was Marnie Vidad and her delicious Chili Con Queso. Over $300 was raised to benefit UMCOR’s hurricane disaster relief. A special thank you to the Education Team, Membership and Outreach Team, and Youth Leaders for their help organizing and running the event!
The Travels of "Flat Jesus"
At the beginning of the summer, Pastor Sherry featured “Flat Jesus” in a children’s sermon and encouraged everyone to take Jesus with them as they traveled or went on adventures over the summer. Here are some of the places Flat Jesus went!
Youth Mission Trip 2024
Thank you to all of our missioners and chaperones for your hard work on our 2024 Summer Mission Trip to Jefferson, OH on JUly 21 to July 27.
Vacation Bible School
THANK YOU to everyone who made our Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School experience one we will never forget! VBS took place on Sunday, July 7 through Thursday, July 11. It was a fun and meaningful week!
Pet Blessing
The pet blessing on Sunday, June 30 was a wonderful event and it was great to see so many beloved animals! Thank you to everyone (and their furry friends) who joined in the event!
Sunday School End of the Year Party and Teacher Recognition
It was a great celebration on Sunday, May 19 for our Sunday School Teachers and all we learned over the past year! We had a great time playing in the sun together. Thank you to all who made Sunday School possible this past year!
A huge thank you to all of the donors and volunteers who joined us for THE BIG SERVE weekend on May 3 to May 5! Your efforts made a BIG impact!
WHAM - We Have A Mission
Thank you to everyone who joined us for WHAM on Wednesday, May 1 for the year-end celebration! We serve and play hard!
Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday, March 24 for the Family Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt! What a fun day!
Feed My Starving Children
Thank you to the PUMC team who served at Feed My Starving Children on Saturday, March 9, 2024! Our shift packed 148 boxes of food and fed 88 children a daily meal for a year!
Paint and Fellowship Night Youth Fundraiser
A HUGE thank you to all who supported our youth by participating in our Painting and Fellowship Event on February 18, 2024. A great time was had by all! A special shout out to Heather Stanich for leading the experience, and to all of the adult and youth volunteers who made the event a success! Our youth raised over $1500 for their upcoming summer mission trip. Thank you!
WHAM - We Have A Mission 2024
At WHAM on Wednesday, January 10, we made “plarn” for New Life for Old Bags with leader Donna Morrow. The kids had an awesome time and beat the record for the longest string of plarn created at PUMC by one team! They were VERY excited!
Youth 2023 Christmas Party
The Youth Group held their annual Christmas party on Sunday evening, December 17 and had a blast! Thank you to everyone who made it possible and attended!
“Guided by the Light”... Let Every Heart Prepare Women's Event
Thank you to all those who participated in the Women's Advent Event on Sunday, December 10. It was a meaningful afternoon of fellowship preparing for Christ’s coming.
Christmas Around the World 2023
Our Christmas Around the World event on Sunday, December 3 was a terrific morning celebrating a few of the traditions from other countries! A huge thank you to those who put together displays, baked and cooked traditional foods, created activities and crafts, and made it such a wonderful experience.
Youth Fall Retreat 2023
On November 10 through November 12, junior and senior high youth and chaperones traveled to the Dickson Valley Retreat Center in Newark, IL for the Youth Fall Retreat Weekend! We enjoyed a fun and meaningful weekend together with lots of conversation, games, food, and fellowship!
Fall Festival 2023
We had a wonderful time gathering on Sunday, October 22 for the Fall Festival! Thank you to everyone who participated.
Grandpal Match Day 2023
On Sunday, September 10, 2023, we had a fun Grandpal Match Day! Thank you to everyone who helped make it a great morning! Grandpals pairs a “Pal” (ages 18 months to 17 years) with a “Grand” (grandparent-figure/mature adult) with the goal of building relationships through the exchange of regular letters and art projects throughout the year. There will be a “mailbox” at the church or Grandpals are welcome to send their notes through the mail. We are looking forward to a year of building new and stronger intergenerational connections!