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PUMC Generosity 2025 LOGO.png
Generosity 2025

Commitment Sunday, October 27, 2024


Thank you for the love you have for God and Plainfield United Methodist Church. May you find the level of giving to which God is calling you and experience joy in your journey of faith and commitment. Your giving is a critical part of how we make a difference in our church, our community, and our world. Please complete your confidential Annual Commitment Card and click the Submit button. 



Electronic Giving

There are three ways to give electronically:


  1. Visit our website and click the Give button on the upper right corner. You can set up a one-time or recurring donation. You manage the source of the donation with your credit card or bank account, the date, and amount of your giving. With the website giving button, your donations are automatically entered into your Church giving record.

  2. Scan the QR Code below to give online using PushPay. You can set up a one-time or recurring donation. You manage the source of the donation with your credit card or bank account, the date, and amount of your giving. Your donations are automatically entered into your church giving record. It takes only a few seconds.โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

  3. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). EFT is the easiest, most cost-effective giving option for both you and the church. EFT is a great way for the church to receive the financial resources it needs on a regularly scheduled basis which helps tremendously with monthly financial planning. Complete the EFT information form and return it with a voided check. PUMC also offers an e-giving option for one-time or recurring gifts that may be more convenient than the EFT option, especially for those who may not be church members but want to support one of the church’s ministries or give in a loved one’s memory. Contact the church office at 815-436-9651 for more information.

Submit Your Annual Commitment Card
I/WE choose to give electronically through:

Thank you for submitting your 2025 Annual Commitment Card!

PUMC Giving QR code.png

Click here to view Generosity Guide to Giving

Generosity 2025 Giving Guide for printing_Page_1.jpg

Click here for a printable Commitment Card

Generosity 2025 Commitment Card for website download.jpg

Planned Giving & Memorials

John Wesley often preached “three plain rules” of money: gain all you can, save all you can, and give all you can. As a faith community started in 1829 by circuit rider Jesse Walker, we believe that our local church has long been blessed by God through enumerable people who have committed their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and their witness. In the past people have blessedly chosen to give to the church in their will so their gain can give well beyond their years on this present earth. Will you, too, give your gain?


“They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.”
Psalms 1:3


As you prayerfully prepare your financial legacy, please consider giving to PUMC’s General Endowment Fund, which provides permanent financial support for the numerous ministries of PUMC. In the event of a significant donation with restrictions, a stand-alone Endowment may be established.


If you are interested in blessing the ministries of PUMC through your financial legacy, please contact the church. To facilitate your planning and gifts, PUMC has a “Gift Acceptance Policy” and “General Endowment Fund Policy” adopted in 2012. Printed copies of these policies are available in the church office. In the event of a significant donation with restrictions, a stand-alone trust or endowment may be established with its own particular management guidelines. This trust or endowment can be in the donor’s name or honor as approved.


General Endowment Fund Brochure

Those considering a gift are urged to consult an attorney, accountant, or financial planner before finalizing a planned gift. If you seek a recommendation to professionals, please contact the church. Endowment funds are invested according to the “Investment Policy.” Download the General Endowment Fund brochure.


For guidance on memorial giving, please refer to the “Gift Acceptance Policy” and the “Memorial Policy.”

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